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Thursday, November 25, 2010,8:42 AM
posted by rauf
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  • November 26, 2010 at 3:38 AM, Blogger freefalling

    What's going on over here?
    Another new blog?
    You are getting as bad as me!

    That is the most adorable, little face peeking out there.
    Love those little fat cheeks.
    (wish someone would carry me around in a papoose.)

  • November 26, 2010 at 4:32 AM, Blogger rauf

    oh i wish i could welcome you with garlands LETTYS drown you in flowers being the first to comment and perform welcome pooja on you and arrange a grand feast. You must be familiar with pooja Letty girl, it is performed on gods, tools of trade and learning. Little camphor is burnt in a decorative metal lamp (like the genie lamp) and the poojari, that is me, takes the fire around your face to ward off evil (that is me again) from your life. Since i am very clumsy i'll end up warding off life itself by dropping the lamp with burning camphor. So you have to keep a little distance from this warding off business. it could be scary and dangerous.

    just watch first 5 seconds of this video an ignore the rest Lettys


    i can hardly keep one blog alive and i have 6. i love to design and i love the song 'dowdy ferry road'
    i have to ask you where this dowdy ferry road is in Australia, must be in Australia as England Dan and John Ford Coley are Australians.
    So i have daylight again (crosby stills) seventh sojourn (moody blues) and i wanted 'Afterglow' (inxes) for portraits, i think i can change it now. Pennylane is Beatles.

    You have to go to Nepal to be carried around like this chubby baby. There are some temples in the Himalayas and you have porters to carry the pilgrims up the mountains. You have to visit India and Nepal for that Lettys.

  • November 27, 2010 at 3:33 AM, Blogger freefalling

    Thank you for my welcome - I would love to be drowned in flowers - I always thought the best way to die would be in the bush with a tree falling on you.

    No - they are from Texas not Australia! And that is where Dowdy Ferry Rd is (what do you think a dowdy ferry looks like?).

    I'd never heard of those fellows before and I don't think I know Dowdy Ferry Rd song but when I youtubed them, I heard I'd Really Love To See You Tonight and I recognized that song.

    "there's a warm wind blowing the stars around" - isn't that lovely?

    ps.i'm very clumsy, too.

  • November 28, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Blogger rauf

    Thank you for the correction Letty girl. i don't know how it was drilled in to my yeddu that England Dan and John Ford Coley were Australians. i'll mail you a couple of their songs

    You've heard of Draconian laws Lettys, We think he was a bad guy, he was a sweet guy actully, people loved him. He was a governer or something of 7th centurey BCE lawless Athens, he restored order by enforcing some very stringent laws, like death for simple crimes.
    He bacame very popular icon like Michael Jacson. He appeared on stage one day and he was greeted with flowers and all, crowd cheered and flung their robes and boquets at him, you know those Socretes kind of heavy robes. Suddenly our Hero Dracon went missing. A search party went after him, they found him dead on the stage, buried under a pile of heavy robes and flowers, died of suffocation.

  • November 30, 2010 at 7:28 AM, Blogger monsoon dreams

    wow!another blog!
    i love your b&w pics.see the innocence and curiosity on his face!
    garland me too,raufee but dont kill me